Origami Gift Card Holder

Origami Gift Card Holder InstructionsChristmas is almost approaching, and if you have any gifts to give someone this origami idea is useful for you! A gift card holder that you can personalize your own. This can be used not only for Christmas Holidays but also on any occasion you like to give a gift to someone such as birthdays, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving Day and many more. Follow these instructions for a fun-filled folding and to create your own paper gift card holder!
Difficulty: Easy

How to Make an Origami Gift Card Holder?

origami gift card holder instructions step 1 Step 1: Start with a piece of square size paper.
origami gift card holder instructions step 2origami gift card holder instructions step 2.1 Step 2: Fold from the bottom edge to the top edge then unfold.
origami gift card holder instructions step 3origami gift card holder instructions step 3.1 Step 3: Fold the left and right edges to the center leaving 1 cm space.
origami gift card holder instructions step 4origami gift card holder instructions step 4.1origami gift card holder instructions step 4.2 Step 4: Unfold the paper. Fold all side corners inward.
origami gift card holder instructions step 5 Step 5: Fold again the left and right edges following the crease you just made.
origami gift card holder instructions step 6 Step 6: Fold the top edge down.
origami gift card holder instructions step 7origami gift card holder instructions step 7.1origami gift card holder instructions step 7.2 Step 7: Turn the paper over. Fold the top and edge overlapping the top edge in 1 cm.
origami gift card holder instructions step 8origami gift card holder instructions step 8.1 Step 8: Pocket the pointy sides to the top edge, then turn the paper over.
origami gift card holder instructions step 9 Step 9: Fold the top edge down.
origami gift card holder instructions step 10origami gift card holder instructions step 10.1 Step 10: Design your gift card holder for anything you like.
origami gift card holder instructions step 11 Step 11: Put a sample gift card and you’re all done!