Origami Ring

Origami Ring InstructionsHave some simple and creative crafts for your plays. If you want to play something royalty and enchanted, role as king and queen, and ring for your princess. Then get your fun part to play exciting by creating an origami ring. Have a funfold learning!
Difficulty: Medium

Friendship can be made through simple things. Is it about a girl or a boy you like? We offer you the opportunity to build a ring with the origami technique right in the company of your friend. Origami ring is the perfect gift and can be created in a few minutes if you follow our instructions step by step.

How to Make an Origami Ring?

origami ring instructions step 1 Step 1: Start with a piece of paper with a 5cm x 10 cm size.
origami ring instructions step 2origami ring instructions step 2.1 Step 2: Fold the bottom edge to the top edge then unfold to create a center crease.
origami ring instructions step 3origami ring instructions step 3.1 Step 3: Fold the top and bottom edges to the center crease.
origami ring instructions step 4origami ring instructions step 4.1origami ring instructions step 4.2origami ring instructions step 4.3 Step 4: Turn the paper over, fold the top edge down to the bottom.
origami ring instructions step 5origami ring instructions step 5.1origami ring instructions step 5.2 Step 5: Fold the left corner and right corner to the center then unfold.
origami ring instructions step 6origami ring instructions step 6.1origami ring instructions step 6.2origami ring instructions step 6.3 origami ring instructions step 6.4origami ring instructions step 6.5origami ring instructions step 6.6 Step 6: Tuck the triangles to the side then flatten it.
origami ring instructions step 7origami ring instructions step 7.1origami ring instructions step 7.2origami ring instructions step 7.3 Step 7: Fold the top edge and bottom edge again to the center. Do the same thing to the other side.
origami ring instructions step 8origami ring instructions step 8.1origami ring instructions step 8.2origami ring instructions step 8.3 Step 8: Gently open then curl the paper using a pencil.
origami ring instructions step 9origami ring instructions step 9.1 Step 9: Insert the edges to the bottom flap of the other side to lock the ring.
origami ring instructions step 10 Step 10: Put the ring on your finger and now you have an origami ring!